HIST 1907W
3 credits/Fall 2003
F 12:20-2:15
Blegen Hall 125

Professor Barbara Welke
752 Social Sciences Tower
Office Hours:
T/Th. 2:15-3:30 (or by appt)

tel: (612) 624-7017


The Fourteenth Amendment and the Rights Revolution

Syllabus | Schedule | Assignments | Internet Resources


Due Dates. All assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise noted. Deadlines are a serious business. On formal papers, each day late will cost you a full letter grade. No late papers accepted on informal writing assignments.

Formal Paper Grading Guide. I have explained on the syllabus the standards I use for evaluating the informal writing you will be doing this term. This link explains the standards by which I will evaluate the formal papers you will be writing, including the introductory writing assignment (grade for your information only), short reflective essay, and research paper.

Introductory Writing Assignment (Due Friday, September 12th)

Research Paper: Cases in Context (Intermediate Deadlines. Final Paper Due Dec. 12).

Short Reflective Essay Assignment (Due no later than the regularly scheduled Final Exam. You may though turn this paper in earlier.)





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